
How to make your patch successful!

Well, here's a tutorial on how yo can make your patch or megapatch famous and successful!

Step 1: Build a clean patch, it shouldn't have ripped(Taken from someone else) stuff. Make sure it is assembled properly and nothing is mixed, it's better to keep it in one pack rather than non-assembled, as people don't like going to somewhere again and again!

Step 2: Upload it on a proper file-hosting site, like Mediafire.

Step 3: Keep the advertisements as less as you can, just one Ad link will be enough and not a load as people find it really challenging to get the link.

Step 4: Choose a good platform and post your patch on as many forums as you can. Like Planet Cricket, and many others. This will give you more audience and more downloads. :)

Step 5: Release Bug fixes and updates, provide support to the users through any medium. This will gain you more trust.

That's all, hope it helped you. :)


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